This blog is my own personal time travel into the past...

Wednesday 23 January 2013


For my history club presentation this month I was Pythagoras and I talked about  my life, my discoveries,  the schools I opened, my influence on maths and music, etc. I talked about my theorem (a2+b2=c2) and I gave a demonstration by using cut out squares. I made a lyre to explain how octaves are created by halving strings.
I explained the Pythagorean Theorem with paper squares.
And this is how you can prove it.
I made the lyre from boxes, styrofoam and paper mache.
 I painted it and added strings.
This is the finished result. It looks good hey.


  1. Hi Adri, Love the Lyre. Very creative use of boxes, styrofoam and papier mache and it proves that a ball of string is always always useful! Thinking of string...apart from String THEORY - do you happen to know anything about how it is made and out of what? I expect lots of different plant materials have been used since ancient times and fibers wound together to make 'string' but I actually don't know what the kind of string you buy in the shops is made of!!! Ally :)

  2. I don't know what the string that you buy in the shops is made of, but I will find out for you.
    Thanks for your comment Ally.
    Love, Adri.

  3. Hi Adri, Well I already posted a comment on this page, but it seems to have disappeared, so here goes again.

    I really love the outfit, you look very professorial and the lyre is brilliant. You are a very clever guy Adri. and take so much trouble and care with your projects. I usually listen and look at your blog at work, but today is a day off so I am at home. I hope you got the other comment that I sent when you first started your blog. Let me know if you did not get it. Love Nanna XXXXXXXXX

    1. Thanks Nanna,
      yes, I got the comment and replied.
      thanks for commenting on this blog.

    2. Adri, qué serio estás con la barba ¿estabas pensando en el teorema? Si aún te acuerdas me gustaría que me lo explicases por que no me acuerdo muy bien, porfa Adri que me interesa mucho.

    3. muchas gracias papá, te lo explicaré esta noche.
      muchos besos, Adri.
